Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Who's protecting you?

This morning Little Feet and the other children in Reception walked to a local theatre and had a very engaging tour, hosted by the theatrical parents of another child.  I was one of the mums privileged to be asked to help walk them there, and was provided with a high visibility waistcoat so I could stand in the road holding up the traffic, affording the kids safe passage across.  What I hadn't bargained for was that in the process of being a pseudo-lollipop lady (minus the stick), I would of course end up leaving the road after the last child, putting me at the back.  I would then have to manoeuvre myself very quickly past the long crocodile of children to the front of the queue in time for the next road.  And of course it was wheelie bin day, which meant performing a strange kind of slalom between bins, trees, meandering children and the ubiquitous dog poo.  I managed all right until I got chatting, forgot about the road ahead and had a very mad dash, streaking passed amused four and five-year-olds in my high-vis yellow.

While I stood in the middle of the road one of the teachers joked, "But who's protecting you?"  I missed an opportunity there as my slow wit only allowed me to chuckle.

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